• Hope Academy Fund P. O. Box 942 Hockessin, Delaware 19707
  • info@hope-academy.org



Our model relies largely on our team of volunteers.  We draw volunteers from a variety of sources including parents, current and retired teachers, civil servants, businessmen and women, and domestic and foreign students. We welcome as volunteers, all who believe in the mission of Hope Academy, are excited about being role models and willing and ready to share their knowledge, skills, and talents with our students.

Volunteers will be expected to develop and execute programs consistent with the mission of Hope Academy. Volunteer activities which can take a day to several weeks  range from:

  1. Fundraising
  2. Social Media Support
  3. Pro-bono Legal, Accounting or Marketing Communications Services
  4. Mentoring  students
  5. Leadership Development
  6. Escorting and/or hosting students on Field Trips
  7. Organizing and judging student presentation and performances
  8. Summer Camp Teaching and Volunteering
  9. Curriculum Development
  10. Other



Note: It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability.

Thank you for completing this application form and for your interest in volunteering with us!